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Jesus, also known as Jesus Christ, is the central figure of Christianity, believed by Christians to be the Son of God and the long-awaited Messiah (or Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament of the Bible. He is considered both fully divine and fully human.

According to Christian belief:

Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago. His conception is believed to have been a miraculous event, brought about by the Holy Spirit.
He lived a life of teaching, healing, and performing miracles, and his message focused on love, forgiveness, and salvation.
Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God, urging people to repent from sin and believe in God’s love and grace. He challenged the religious and social norms of his time, teaching compassion for the poor and outcast.
His crucifixion is seen as a sacrificial act for the forgiveness of humanity’s sins, and Christians believe that three days after his death, Jesus was resurrected, showing his power over death and affirming his divine nature.
His resurrection is celebrated as Easter by Christians, and it forms the foundation of the Christian hope for eternal life.
Jesus ascended to heaven and is believed to return again in the future, as described in Christian eschatology.
For believers, Jesus represents God’s ultimate expression of love and the path to reconciliation with God. His life, teachings, death, and resurrection form the core of the Christian faith.

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