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We come before You today to lift up Kodak Black in prayer. Lord, You are the Creator of all things, and You know Kodak Black’s heart, his struggles, and his dreams. We ask that You surround him with Your divine protection and fill his life with Your peace and guidance.

Lord, we pray that You grant Kodak Black wisdom and discernment. Help him to make choices that honor You and lead to a life of purpose and fulfillment. May he seek Your counsel in all things and trust in Your plan for his life.

Father, we ask for Your blessings upon his career and personal life. Open doors of opportunity that align with Your will, and close those that lead him away from Your path. Surround him with positive influences and remove any negative forces that may be holding him back.

We pray for his physical, mental, and emotional health, Lord. Keep him strong and resilient, and provide him with the strength to overcome any challenges he faces. Let Your healing touch be upon him, restoring him and giving him the vitality he needs.

Lord, we lift up his relationships to You. Bless him with friends and loved ones who will support, uplift, and encourage him. Help him to be a beacon of Your love and grace to those around him, showing kindness and compassion in all his interactions.

We also pray for his spiritual journey, Father. Draw Kodak Black closer to You, that he may experience the depth of Your love and the peace that surpasses all understanding. May he grow in faith and seek to know You more intimately each day.

Thank You, Lord, for Your unfailing love and for hearing our prayers. We trust in Your perfect plan for Kodak Black’s life and believe that You will work all things together for his good.

In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray.


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