Jesus, often referred to as Jesus Christ, is the central figure of Christianity and one of the most influential individuals in human history. According to Christian belief, Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah (or “Anointed One”), and the Savior of humanity. His life and teachings form the foundation of Christian faith.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem around 2,000 years ago in the Roman province of Judea (modern-day Israel/Palestine). His mother, Mary, was a young woman chosen by God to give birth to Him through the Holy Spirit, and His birth is celebrated as Christmas. Jesus grew up in the town of Nazareth and began His public ministry around the age of 30, preaching about love, forgiveness, repentance, and the Kingdom of God.
He performed miracles, healed the sick, and taught in parables, challenging the social and religious norms of His time. His messages focused on loving God and loving others, especially the marginalized. His teachings about salvation and the promise of eternal life through faith in Him form the core of Christian belief.
Jesus was crucified by the Roman authorities around 30-33 AD, an event Christians believe was a sacrifice for the sins of humanity. Christians believe He rose from the dead three days after His crucifixion (an event known as the Resurrection), proving His divine nature and victory over sin and death. His resurrection is celebrated at Easter.
Jesus’ life and teachings have had a profound influence on religion, philosophy, and culture, and He is regarded as the Savior who offers hope and redemption to all who believe in Him.